Lights, Camera, Action.
Balboa Has Always Been A Hit With The Movie Makers

By The 1920S, Balboa was a popular location for the Hollywood moviemakers. Its pristine empty beaches, calm bay waters and the ocean surf were just what was needed for exotic movie settings, and the Pacific Electric could deliver a flat car full of equipment from Los Angeles in only an hour. The first major motion picture to be filmed here was the original 1917 "Cleopatra." A work crew of eighty men constructed a fleet of 29 full scale, ancient design galleys on the Balboa Peninsula. After the ships were completed, the cast arrived by Red Car and camped in tents on the beach.

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One Year A W.W.II Army Tank Was Brought In And Run Around On The Beach For A Commercial To Be Aired In Japan

Local fishermen were used for the more dangerous rolls such as falling in the water, because most of the actors couldn't swim. For the grand finale, all the ships except for Cleopatra's were soaked with 5,000 gallons of crude oil and set ablaze. Cleopatra's ship was crushed to splinters upon the rocks at Rocky Point.


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You Can Always Find Marty Capune On Location Giving A Hand With The Production

The old three-master "Fremont" built in 1852 and declared unseaworthy, was used for the filming of the original "Treasure Island" in 1919. After returning from a day of shooting at sea, the Fremont sprang a leak and was cast upon a sandbar at the mouth of the bay by a large swell. The terrified actors who couldn't swim, were forced to spend the entire night aboard the Fremont with only a single lantern for light before they could be rescued the next day. Each tide drove the Fermont higher up on the sandbar and finally, after several days, she was dynamited. Shots of the explosion were used in movies for years afterwards.

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When A Production Crew Hits Town You Will Find Trucks Full Of Equipment Everywhere


In order to do any form of commercial filming, motion pictures or still photos, in the City of Newport Beach, you are required to utilize the services of the city appointed location manager, Marty Capune, or as Marty refers to himself, a film liaison.

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Here They Are Filming The Fox Production Of Time Share

In any case, Marty has been practicing his trade for over 30 years. His first film was in 1969, with the Disney movie "The Boatnicks," which he worked on while in grad school.

Then in 1988 the city started the location manager requirement. Marty's first city assignment was the Charles Bronson film "The President's Wife." The original title for this film was "The Assassins," but was changed because it was felt the City of Newport Beach would not allow the filming of a movie by that name.

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Dressing Rooms Await The Actors

