
Free Photo Calendar


The Fun Zone's Laughing Lady, Bumper
Cars, Scary Dark Ride, and other items are for sale. You
can get the Laughing Lady for only $3000.00
For further information
Click Here |
Time Capsule
From TalesOfBalboa the Book
It was November 1995 when the
Balboa Island Punting and Sculling Society sat in the
Class of 47 planning the hijacking of the Balboa
Island ferry. The ferry had only been hijacked once
before, and that was by Judge Bob Gardner while in his
youth. The Society had not pulled a big caper in
almost two decades, and the Society's reputation was
riding on the hijacking. It was decided the hijacking
would take place at 11 a.m. on Wednesday November
29th, 1995. Preparations were made for the big event;
even certificates were prepared for all who had the
gumption for the historic task. The morning of the big
day the Society's members and guests gathered at the
Class of 47 in readiness. Then at the appropriate time
they charged the ferry landing and commandeered the
ferry, "Commodore," and ordered the operator to take
the ferry to Woody's Wharf under threat of being 86ed
from every bar in Orange County, right under the noses
of the Newport Beach Police. The ferry had just
started moving up the bay when out of nowhere, the
Harbor Patrol appeared in hot pursuit with blue-light
and siren. The ferry refused to stop and the Harbor
Patrol resorted to using the boat's fire nozzle to
shoot water at the ferry, but to no avail. This crowd
was on a mission, and nothing was going to stand in
their way. As the ferry passed the American Legion
Hall, several members of the Society mooned it.
Finally the ferry arrived at Woody's Wharf, where it
was put up for sale for $75.00 OBO to help cover the
Society's bar bill. But sadly, there were no takers
and the ferry was returned within two hours of its
hijacking. |
Click To Share Your Memories
jim - my aunt and uncle owned
the rendezvous, also uncle bob was the first man of the year
in balboa...the big fir across from the library on the
peninsula (is it still there?) was planted on that day.. their
bob murphy jay murphy my grandma was their bookkeeper..did you
have any names to go with the photo of the girls in bathing
suits? i think one was my mother..paige. keep up; the great
work, for those of us far away it helps with the longing to
see balboa again...i remember collecting bottles and taking
them to the grocery store for pennies
Jim -
Thanks so much for the website, allowing me to remember the
good times I had living there!!! From time to time - while
sitting at my desk and wishing I were back on the peninsula -
I log onto your website. Looking at it can put a smile on my
face & it works every time!!! Again, you are a gem! I hope
to visit again soon!!!
Your Ol' neighbor - Linda P. (Velvin)
Hi. My grandparents owned Wonacott's Donut Shop across the
street from the Fun Zone during the 1950s. I have been looking
for a picture of the donut shop forever. Can you help? Thank
Kathy Wonacott Pedley
KAPadream@cox.net |
Feature Cartoon
From London's Times


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Business Phone Directory

Take a Ride on the
Balboa Island Ferry |
2nd Wednesday of the Month
Book Club Luncheon 1PM
Newport Landing Restaurant
Saturdays 3:30 PM
-7:00 PM
Kyng Arthur: Authentic Reggae
"Cabo Cantina" 100 Main St
Thursdays May 18 -
August 31, 6 PM
Beer Can Regatta
Sunday June 11, 2
Drum circle and Bon fire
Balboa Pier on the Beach
Bring your own drinks, food, drums
Thursdays June 8 -
August 24
Cinema Orange Films
Orange County Museum of Art
June 9th - October
Dredges to Dreamboats
Newport Harbor Nautical Museum
Saturdays at
June 17 thru September 2
Annual Flag Lowering Ceremony
Patriotic Music, Taps, Canon Salute.
Balboa Boat Rentals
By the Balboa Island Ferry Landing
Balboa Peninsula
Thursday, June 29,
6:30 PM
Movie Night - 'Letting Go"
Peninsula Park
July 4, Noon
Old Glory Character Boat Parade
July 4, 8:15 PM
Dunes Fireworks
Great View From The Fun Zone
July 4
Independence Day Parade
at Mariners Park
Thursdays, July 6,
August 17, 6 PM
on the Peninsula
Balboa Pier Gazebo
July 10 - 21
Children's Summer Art Camp
Thursday, July 20,
6:30 PM
Movie Night - "Riding Giants"
Peninsula Park
Sunday July 30, 1PM
Flight of the Lasers
Thursday, August
24, 6;30 PM
Movie Night - "Dane Reynolds"
Peninsula Park
Click To Share Your Thoughts
Hi Jim,
Love your site, love your book. My collaborator and I (who
co-edited DUMB ANGEL #4: ALL SUMMER LONG) have put up a new blog
about Balboa. Here's the link:
I hope you enjoy it, and maybe spread the word around town.
Brian Chidester
Can you please send me so information on the balboa ferry for my
report on Balboa Island?
Michael Morello
Love your site, love your photography! I was wondering, what got
you into your job, and what sort of training/ classes did you go
to? Thnx!
Hi there!
Iīve found a fireboat picture at your homepage!
(First Fire Boat Circa 1948)
Iīm going to start fireboat-homepage within the next 6 month.
This page will give information abaout more than 500 fireboats all
Do you like to share the picture and any helpfull information
about fireboatīs with me and the world? Each picture and text
paragrph will have a caption like: Thankīs to: - your name - with
a link included to a homepage you like. please write to
have a nice day and thank you very much!
Burkhard Reeg
Hi Jim,
My name is Joanna and I am working on the Newport Nautical Museums
Centennial Exhibit. I have been reading your book when some
questions have come up! It seems that you might be just the right
man to help clear up a few things.
Questions as follow:
1. Gambling: Did gambling really help the City of Newport Beach
survive the great depression? Is there any kind of imagery of
poker parlors, poker tables or fishing boat slots that you know
of? Do you know of anyone I might be ablet to talk to about this?
Any names of boats, people or events revolving around Newport's
gambling past?
2. John Watts and the Teal. We found his name as being the man
who ran the Ferry "Pre-Beek" but have been unable to get any
further information or even confirm that this is true. Do you
know anything about him?
Okay, that is about all for now.
We have really enjoyed your book! Great resource and quite
interesting. Also, the website is set up very well. Thanks for
your help.
Joanna Grasso
Will you be having the street painting event this year? Thank you
Words Of Wisdom
Stop career criminals, reelect No One. |